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Jnkyrd (DNK YRD-WIL 2315 and JNK YRD GJ61 YKD), Glasgow

Here are the food hygiene ratings, address and Local Authority details for Jnkyrd (DNK YRD-WIL 2315 and JNK YRD GJ61 YKD), Glasgow. Jnkyrd (DNK YRD-WIL 2315 and JNK YRD GJ61 YKD) is listed as Takeaway/sandwich shop.

Address: Jnkyrd (DNK YRD-WIL 2315 and JNK YRD GJ61 YKD)
2 Glenburn Road
East Kilbride
G75 5BA
Hygiene Rating: Food Hygiene Rating for Jnkyrd (DNK YRD-WIL 2315 and JNK YRD GJ61 YKD), Glasgow
Last Inspection: 14th October 2021
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